How long does it take trash to disappear from Guntersville Lake?
Its very important to keep our trash and debris out of the lake. Do you know that it takes this long for the following to disappear from the lake?
2-4 weeks | Paper Towels |
6 weeks | Newspaper |
2 months | Cardboard Box |
2 months | Apple Core |
1-5 months | Cotton Glove |
3-14 months | Cotton Rope |
3 months | Waxed Milk Carton |
6 months | Photo-degradable Beverage Container |
1-3 years | Plywood |
1 year | Biodegradable Diaper |
1 year | Wool Glove |
13 years | Painted Wood |
50 years | Styrofoam Cup |
50 years | Tin Can |
80 years | Styrofoam Buoy |
200 years | Aluminum Can |
400 years | Plastic Beverage Holder |
450 years | Disposable Diaper |
450 years | Plastic Milk Jug |
450 years | Plastic Drink Bottle |
600 years | Fishing Line |
Undetermined | Glass Bottles |
Please help keep our lake clean! If you see something floating in the water, pick it up and put it in your boat. If you are tempted to throw trash away yourself, think about this: What are we leaving for our future generations?